Ancestors: Unplanned Occurrences
Ileana was honored with an Award of Merit for Ancestors: Unplanned Occurrences, which is part of an exhibition called Telling Our Stories at the Carnegie Arts Center in Turlock, CA. This exhibition is located in the Lobby Galleries and features 20 regional artists whose works explore personal narratives and themes of culture and heritage.
From Carnegie Arts Center:
Culture can be a connection between our past and our future, and it is something many of us incorporate into the way we live our lives. With this exhibition, artists tell their stories of culture and heritage. How do we define our heritage? How do we interpret and represent our cultural past? Is there a lens through which we can experience and respectfully share in the cultural traditions of our neighbors and friends? Each artist has provided a brief statement about their work, to help viewers understand the nuances of how culture shapes who we are and how we see the world.
The exhibition was juried by painter and Merced College faculty member Louisa Benhissen. CAC Director, Lisa McDermott, says, “Many artists in our region have deep cultural ties going back generations. We wanted to offer the opportunity for reflecting on where we find value in our own ‘roots’ and how we learn to understand and enjoy the diverse cultures that make up our community.”