This series is based on four squares plus vintage blocks for visual interest. My hand printed fabric in a square format is matched hand-pieced silk vintage log cabin blocks from anonymous women at the turn of the century. Some are in perfect condition, some are frayed; all are beautiful. This is a way to honor a women’s community of makers.
Silk: Now and Then II
20.5” h x 20.5” w
original silk hand-printed fabric, vintage silk log cabin blocks; hand stitching
Silk: Now and Then III
20.5” h x 20.5” w
original silk hand-printed fabric, vintage silk log cabin blocks; hand stitching
Foursquare I
18” h x 18” w
Kona cotton hand-printed fabric, vintage silk log cabin block; hand and machine stitching
Foursquare II
24” h x 24” w
Kona cotton hand-printed fabric, vintage silk log cabin block; hand and machine stitching